Z Man Zilla gave a great talk recently on his new I Ching Deck (my copy is ‘out for delivery’, so I hope to get it very soon!). During the talk he briefly showed a tarot deck that he said was designed for use in therapy. Does anyone know what deck this is? Attached is a blurry screenshot from the lecture.
Thanks in advance!

@ZMannZilla - Loved your talk on the I Ching Deck. It’s very ingenious and I now have my copy - can’t wait to find the time to try it!
Can you shed any light on the question above, please?
Hi there, and thanks so much for your kind words and for the question!
That is the Illusori Tarot by Svetlana Gayvoronskaya, you can see my review of it here:
In my haste I misspoke slightly - the creation of the deck was an act of therapy by the creator (this is explained in the video), and as such she designed the deck for therapeutic introspection. However it’s becoming increasingly popular in therapy circles to use tarot’s language and symbolism as a medium of patient expression. I have a barely surface level understanding of how all that works, so I do recommend doing your own research on that point. However I can recommend this deck if you’re looking for a personal deck for self-examination, introspection, meditation, etc.
Thanks, @ZMannZilla - and it’s a great review!