Tarot Readings Practice: Sunday, September 1

Hi Everyone,

As usual, meeting last time was fun and it was great to hear the stories that grew from the cards.

As I mentioned in the meet, I am open to your suggestions for practice sessions.

Are there some topics that people would like to build practice sessions around? These are your sessions at the end of the day, so I really want to tailor them to what people want and need.

Hope you are having a great month and look forward to hearing from you!


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Hey Steve and Will, thanks for the great “session”! I found it very uplifting and I love the novel insights I come away with each time.

I’m not sure if it could prove too personal a topic, but one thing I would love to explore with a group is the ways in which Tarot inform and inspire our spirituality. I have often thought “Tarot is my religion!”, but I would like to find ways to articulate what that means, and see if others would say that the cards are a defining element of their spirituality or metaphysical understandings, and in what way.


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The Mystical Forest Tarot animals can be mystifying to identify. They are not all North American. When I can’t ID one of them, I will use a question mark. I will need to eat some lunch soon and can’t take the time to post all of them right now. For the Pentacles Suit: 10 Jackrabbit, 9 cuckoo?, 8 Common Moorhen, 7 Dusky-headed Parrot, 6 Hereford Cow, 5 Javelina, 4 Rosy Finch?, 3 Frog?, 2 ?, 1?. For the Swords Suit: 10 hummingbird, 9 sloth, 8 capybara, 7 woodpecker?, 6 ocelot, 5 iguana, 4 toucan, 3 coati mundi, 2 rooster, 1 caracara.

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Back to Mystical Forest beings. For the Cups suit: Page goldfish, 10 large owl, 9 red fox, 8 hound, 7 Great Blue Heron, 6 cougar, 5 Cock of the Rock bird, 4 9-banded armadillo, 3 tapir, 2 lemur?, 1 Scarlet Macaw. For the Clubs suit: 10 King Vulture?, 9 rooster, 8 small owl, 7 Jaguar, 6 White-tailed deer, 5 Maned Wolf, 4 Golden Marmoset, 3 Scarlet Ibis, 2 ?, 1 snake. Not all Trumps have animals. World Golder Marmoset, snake, deer, crane. Judgement Cock of the Rock, Cuckoo?, dove, ??. Sun horse. Moon Maned Wolf. Death Owl, dead mouse, Horse. Hanged Man bat. Wheel dog, owl, toucan, ibis, armadillo, maybe more. Strength jaguar. Chariot horses. Pope 3 birds. Empress Scarlet macaws. Magician and Fool dog.

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I am writing this up now and will look up each animal to understand them better. Thank you so much!