Let’s share images of tarot cards next to anything in your life that reminds you of a card. I first saw Enrique Enriquez do this exercise in Tarology. If you haven’t watched it, I highly recommend it.
Here is my latest image:
Krisztin and I went to a brunch together in Tbilisi and found this dish hanging on the wall. I was surprised at how close the image was to the Jean Noblet card. In The Sun, two figures are forming a bond while the blessings of the Sun rain upon them. I think this is a most positive omen.
Please share your photos!
Let us know where it was taken and share short reading that goes with it.
This is an old photo from our Insta account.
One day taking a walk I saw this fountain with two dolphins in a private garden.
My mind went directly to the 2 of Cups from the Tarot de Marseille. The one of the pic is from the Camoin/Jodorowsky deck, but any deck would do.
This card represents LOVE to me, true love.
I wish I would have thought of it at the time, but I saw a condemned building the other day and someone spray painted “XVI” onto the side. Should have gotten a picture!