Portrait de Paris Poker Deck - Reviews

We recently released our Portrait de Paris poker deck. This deck was published between 1735-1751 by J. Trioullier (Paris).

You can learn more about the deck at the link below:

We have already had many readers share their reviews of their decks. So, I will post them below. If you find one that I miss, please share it as well. :slight_smile:

We appreciate everyone who has already ordered their deck. We look forward to seeing your readings and posts on social media. Be sure to tag us @artisantarot on Instagram, and we will share your posts on our story. :smile:

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Here is the first review posted by TarotOracle!


A huge thanks to @78puertas for reviewing the deck and showing off Enrique Enriquez’s Augur.

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Next up is a wonderful review by @TarotClarity. She also shares her tips for shuffling cards!

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A huge thanks to @Sibri for sharing his review of our deck! We appreciate you showing off our collection. :smile:

Also, Augur is about reading the trail that birds trace in the air when flying. You can read Enrique’s interview below.

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Here is side by side comparison of our F. F. Solesio deck and also a review of our Portrait de Paris deck. At about the mid point, he shares an example reading with the F. F. Solesio deck. Thanks @derekjohnthomas!

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Here is a fun review by Dani Mystic. She also reviews Alejandro R Rozan’s Tarot des Ambiguites.

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Here is a continuation of @TarotClarity’s review of our Portrait de Paris deck.

Now Magic Orthodoxy has posted his review of our deck. Check it out here:

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I’m enamored of this deck! Very beautiful.

I am happy you like our deck. We appreciate you making all the wonderful videos on how to read with them. :slight_smile: