Dodal or Conver--Help me decide!

Hi, all:

I’ve got to be careful with money for a while, but I want to grab one more deck before I do. I have the Noblet, but I can’t decide between the Dodal and the Conver. Which do you use most? Which do you like best? I gravitate more toward the Conver, but I don’t have a Dodal deck and I do have a Conver-based deck. I’ve been dithering for a month and can’t pick! Help?

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Hi Jo,
Dithering is exhausting (I do it all the time) but you’ve answered
your own question ‘‘I do own a Conver based deck’’. If you’re satisfied with that deck then purchase the Dodal.
I have the Noblet because I love ‘Cupids’ blindfold on ‘L’amoureux’. Perhaps one or two details like that may also help you choose a deck you’ll love?

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I’d go with Dodal. There are a lot of Conver restorations including the CBD Tarot, and it sounds like you already have one. I don’t believe there are any affordable Dodal restorations besides Artisan Tarot decks. Conver is considered a type 2 TdM and Dodal a Type 1, and so if you get a Dodal you will have the Noblet plus versions of both Type 1 and Type 2 TdMs. (The Noblet somewhat predates TdMs emerging into these two main types).


Dodal 100% whether you have a Conver or not. It’s a really cool deck.


If you already have a Conver, it might be a good idea to try a different one.
I’d go for the Dodal.

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Hi, Jo. I can’t say which one between Dodal and Conver… but I like Jacques Vieville. I love Artisan Tarot’s Jacques Vieville deck. Also I posted this in the Discord forum, but I accidentally bought 2 of Budapest Taro by Sullivan Hismans. I am trying to find a home for my second deck… It’s brand new and I would be happy to sell it for like $65 if anyone is interested. I paid €85 directly from his website.

Hi, all. I really appreciate your advice! I did end up getting the Dodal, since I do like the Conver-like deck I have. I like Artisan Tarot’s the most, though, so I know I’ll get it when I can. I’m excited for the Vieville too! I like the more complex style. I also have some Gassman decks from Deviant Moon’s resurrected tarot project, as well as the Tarot de Paris. I’m drowning in decks lol and plan on selling a bunch.

@SophiaAnne, I’m editing my message. I would like to buy your Budapest deck.


You need all of them. LOL. I’d go w the Dodal first, too. The faces are wonderful. Even though you have at least one Conver already, you may agree that the cardstock is worth adding another. Artisan decks are printed on 310 Linen which is something I cannot thank them enough for. The casinos only use 310 linen for good reason. I have Artisan’s Conver and Noblet. I love handling both. Especially the small Noblet. I like small decks. My next Artisan deck will be the Dodal. I don’t have a ‘shufflable’ one. More than anything, I’d like to have an Anonymous Parisian on linen. My 1983 Grimaud and it’s a bit fragile and not easily replaceable. Artisan had planned to release an Anon Parisian last summer, if I’m not mistaken. Perhaps the museum jealously holds the copyright. Have you seen the Anonymous Tarot de Paris? Even the boarders are sublime!

@Lala, Krisztin has just about finished the Parisian deck. We just have a few other decks to release first. We hope to publish the Parisian deck towards the end of the year. :crossed_fingers:

The next release is the F. F. Solesio trumps deck which will be out tomorrow. Like the Noblet, it is also bridge size and has a linen finish. But, the card stock is a bit softer at 300gsm. I personally think they feel amazing.

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